[ 1. First ] | [ 2. Second ] | [ 3. Third ] | [ 4. Fourth ] | [ 5. Fifth ] |
N.A. Agaltseva ASSESSMENT OF THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON WATER RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN THE ARAL SEA BASIN Introduction [PDF, 48 KB] 1. Empirical-statistical method based on dependencies between global temperature and regional climatic characteristics [PDF, 232 KB] 2. Creation of regional climate change scenarios on base of outputs of global climatic models [PDF, 225 KB] 3. Analysis of observed flow trends and cycle fluctuations [PDF, 98 KB] 4. Assessment of air humidity changes for future [PDF, 280 KB] 5. Assessment of water resources variations under potential climate changes [PDF, 287 KB] Conclusion [PDF, 49 KB] M.G. Khorst POSSIBLE WAYS OF RATIONAL WATER USE IMPROVEMENT IN IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN THE ARAL SEA BASIN WITH REGARD FOR CLIMATE CHANGES 1. Problem of water scarcity in irrigated farming [PDF, 61 KB] 2. Major trends of meteorological parameters change determining crop evapotranspiration by example of Ferghana weather station [PDF, 155 KB] 3. Water availability and yield [PDF, 172 KB] 4. Draught-resistant cotton species [PDF, 39 KB] 5. Possibilities of gradual transition to water conservation irrigation technique [PDF, 171 KB] 6. Planning expedient water expenses in specific conditions for actual yield and level of agricultural production [PDF, 129 KB] 7. Practical demonstration of WUFMAS recommendations on irrigation productivity increase results [PDF, 53 KB] 8. Competition Water Conservation under low water 2000 year conditions [PDF, 62 KB] 9. Proposals on water resources allocation improvement among water users of farm canals [PDF, 75 KB] G.V. Stulina, V. Usmanov WHAT IS TO EXPECT IN AGRICULTURE IN VIEW OF CLIMATE CHANGE 1. Agricultural production and climatic factor [PDF, 51 KB] 2. The change in agroclimatic resources and their influence on agriculture [PDF, 174 KB] Conclusion [PDF, 49 KB] Annex [PDF, 211 KB] |